At Solve for X, L3C we integrate Financial, Intellectual And Human Capital To Deliver Innovative Solutions

Some areas of interest that compel us these days:

Fresh Water Stewardship Carbon Credits Environmental Impact Investing

Environmental Risk Management Sustainable Horticulture Pyrolysis & Carbon Sequestration

A few projects on our radar:

Project 1: A Mobile PFAS Testing Laboratory for in situ sample testing, and dramatically reduced lead times for reports and data

Project 2: A handheld sensor for detecting PFAS, algae, e. coli and other contaminants in real time

Project 3: A non-profit Environmental Impact Investment platform focused on innovative water, air, and soil stewardship

Project 4: Carbon-negative product catalog for water treatment, carbon sequestration, and soil remediation

Project 5: PFAS-free product catalog to replace the ‘forever chemicals’ in industrial & consumer supply chains